Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Provides a summary by displaying the total cost of all items in the cart, as well as the number of items in the cart. This widget can also acts act as a link to the shopping cart.

From version 3.87, a preview option is available in which more cart detail is displayed on hover.


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:


The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • All Templates (but most common placement is Theme Layout)

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommended this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Navigate to Cart URL on Cart Icon click?Determines whether the cart button acts as a link to the shopping cart page.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Show Tax Display?Determines whether the 'inc GST' or 'ex GST' text is displayed in the widget.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Show On Mobile?Determines whether the widget is displayed on a mobile device. If unticked, the cart summary will be hidden on mobile devices.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Show Only Icon On Mobile?Determines whether the total cost and item/line count are displayed on mobile devices. When ticked, the icon is the only element displayed, saving space on smaller devices.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Cart Preview On Hover?Determines whether a preview panel appears on hover of the cart button. The preview can contain the cart contents, freight cost, total charges, and so forth.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Link to Tax Toggle Widget?If the Tax Toggle widget has been implemented on your site, tick this to enable the Cart Summary total to update as tax is toggled on/off.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Right Align?Pushes the widget to the right of the zone it is located in.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Cart URLThe address/URL the user will be redirected to on click of the cart summary.Default is: /cartAll
Cart IconThe icon displayed to the left of the total cost and item/line count.Default is: cv-ico-general_cartAll
Hide Default IconPrevents display of the default icon (if not already overridden with the 'Cart Icon' option).

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable


Order Packages or Line Count?

Determines what will be shown in brackets alongside the total order value (e.g. "6 items" or "4 lines").

Options are:

  • Order Packages - the total number of items in the cart.
  • Line count - the number of lines in the cart.
Default is: Order PackagesAll
Placeholder for Cart Count

Used to display the number of lines/items in the cart. If empty it won't show at all. The {0} will be replaced with the count so that the actual number is then shown within parenthesis. To not include parenthesis just use {0}.

Default is: ({0} items)3.87
Inc / Ex Tax DisplayDetermines whether tax is included in the cart summary calculation. This is generally defined at the customer level (e.g. B2B Customers = ex Tax and B2C Customers = inc Tax), but can be overridden with this widget option.Default is: CustomerDefined3.78
Show Tax Display?Determines whether the 'inc GST' or 'ex GST' text is displayed in the widget.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Show On Mobile?Determines whether the widget is displayed on a mobile device. If unticked, the cart summary will be hidden on mobile devices.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Show Only Icon On Mobile?Determines whether the total cost and item/line count are displayed on mobile devices. When ticked, the icon is the only element displayed, saving space on smaller devices.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Right Align?

Pushes the widget to the right of the zone it is located in.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Cart Preview On Hover
Popup Header TextThe heading displayed at the top of the hover panel.Default is: You currently have {0} products in your cart3.87
Charges PromptThe label for the order charges (e.g. total of products in the cart).Default is: Charges3.87
Discounts PromptThe label for the order discounts (e.g. promotions or other discounts).Default is: Discounts3.87
Freight PromptThe label for the freight.Default is: Freight3.87
Zero Dollar Freight Charge DisplayThe text displayed when the order does not attract a freight charge.Default is: No Charge3.87
Requires Quote Freight Charge DisplayThe text displayed when the freight can't be calculated and will require a quote.Default is: Requires Quote3.87
GST PromptThe label for the GST.Default is: GST3.87
Subtotal PromptThe label for the order subtotal.Default is: Subtotal3.87
Including GST Prompt (inc tax)The label for the GST field when the GST has been included in the subtotal.Default is: Including GST3.87
Including GST Prompt (ex tax)The label for the GST field when the GST has not been included in the subtotal.Default is: Plus GST3.87
Total (inc-tax) promptThe label for the order total.Default is: Total (inc GST)3.87
Giftcard total promptThe label for the giftcard amount redeemed.Default is: Giftcard Total3.87
Amount owing after gift cardsThe label for the net owing after giftcard deduction.Default is: Net Owing3.87
Checkout button textThe text displayed on the checkout button in the preview panel.Default is: Checkout3.87
Include Order Lines in on HoverDetermines whether the cart contents are displayed in the preview panel.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Include Link to ProductIf 'Include Order Lines in on Hover' is enabled, determines whether cart lines link back to the product page.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Show APN Instead Of Product CodeDetermines whether the Australian Product Number is displayed in lieu of the product code.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable




Other Widgets

Content by Label
labelswidget cms