Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This article aims to describe the different property fields that are involved when creating a new template. 


Step-by-step guide

1) Template Type: 

Group Templates


All system generated emails can be templated using an Email type template. This allows the email to be customised with company logo and fonts or to match emails from another system.

2) Version: 

  • Version 1: Old style "[CSS:<name>]" - (legacy, should be avoided where possible)
  • Version 2: CSSRepeat capable - [<datasource>.<PropertyName>] - eg: [Order.OrderID]
  • Version 3: like version 2 but supports XSLT - (legacy, should be avoided where possible)
  • Version 4: Razor templates based on MVC Razor engine

3) Parsed Template Caching Mode:

  • Application Mode: This means that the template will be parsed once and used by ALL subsequent uses of this template regardless of the user. This might be useful for a Home page, Menu structure or Product Category structure on B2C sites.
  • Session Mode: This means that the template will be parsed once per user session. If another user needs that template it will be parsed for them specifically and will not use the cached version. This might be useful for a Home page, Menu structure or Product Category structure on B2B sites.

    The TemplateCache table contains all the details and parsed content that is served up. The distinction between these two modes is done via the TemplateCache.SessionID column. If it has a value it is a session specific entry, if it is empty (cannot be null as it is a primary key) then it is considered an application mode cached entry.

4) Data Sources: 

  • Gives access to a record set via a token.
  • Semicolon separates list of datasources e.g. <datasource>;<datasource>
  • Datasource must be strongly typed business object e.g. Products.All 


5) Widget names:

  •  To automatically load widget's settings, add all javascript widget used on the template here separated by commas. 


6) Invoke Type: Allows campaigns to be setup as Sub Templates. 

  • Campaigns that are dependent on FormProcessPostBack to handle the button clicks / add to cart postback.


7) PDF Orientation: Layout orientation of either Portrait or Landscape.


8) Word Template: Specific documents generated in Microsoft Word may be added here to generate templates.


9) Disable Design Mode: If selected design mode tab of the editor will be disabled and switched to html view. 

10) Request Cached Data Source Mode: Specifies if and how this template will cache it's data sources, either 'cache all data' or just from 'sources'.

11) Content Type: The template editor page should only be allowed to run templates of a certain "content type", this restriction can be managed in this field. User can set the content type of the template to either be 'Content' or 'Layout'.
