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Returns numeric value of (PO's + In Transit ?) or (Current Commitments?) In english?Renders a html input hidden field for adding products for the RegistryListID contained in the querystring. The resource has 2 parameters: the product code, and the RegistryListID.
Token IDDescriptionNotes/Comments (to be deleted before publishing)
AccessoriesAvailableReturns True or False as to whether accessories exist for the queried product.  Returns data from LivePriceCache table, not ProductAlternatives table. 
AccessoriesCountReturns total number of accessories for the queried product, taking into consideration any contract item rules. 
AddProductToComparisonListTokenRenders a tick box which adds the queried product to the user's Comparison List. 
AddReviewButtonRenders an 'Add Review' button which brings up a review form for the queried product. 
AddToFavouritesButtonRenders an 'Add to Favourites' button which, when ticked, will add the queried product to the user's Favourites list. 
AddToOrCreateOwnRegistryListButtonRenders html button for adding the queried product to one of the user's own registry lists, or creating and adding to a new list. 
AddToOrderButtonRenders an 'Add to Order' button to add the product to the user's shopping cart. 
AllowOrderEntryForProductReturns True for False as to whether the user should be permitted to order the product, based on various business rules. 
AlternatesAccessoriesTextRetrieves html about accessories or products relating to the queried product. 
AlternatesAvailableReturns True or False as to whether alternates exist for the queried product. 
AlternatesCountReturns total number of alternates for the queried product. 
AttributedProductDropDownListRenders a drop-down list for attribute options against the queried (attributed) product. 
AttributeListReturns a list of all attribute combinations in the database for a queried (attributed) product. 
AttributePriceBreakContainer?For Attributed Products (style/colour/size variations), renders the template for displaying quantity break information (IF quantity breaks exist for the attribute). 
AvailableForBot?No longer in use. Use 'AvailableForOne' instead. 
AvailableQtyReturns the quantity available for sale after calculating stock on hand, quantity committed, PO's in transit, etc.  
AverageRatingReturns numeric star-rating of the average rating for the queried product.Need to confirm - Returns resource? Or number?
CompanionCountReturns the total number of companion products for the queried product.(Companion product? Not sure what this is.)
ConfigureKitButtonRenders a resource-based input button that allows user to configure kit components. 
CostCentreCodeReturns the cost centre code control HTML if the product is allowed to be ordered, otherwise returns ?  
CustomerFavouritesProductDisplayIconChecks if the queried product is in the list of customer favourites. If so, returns a resource. 
CustomerProductCodeReturns the Customer-specific product code for the queried product. 
DeleteFromUserStocktakeButtonRenders a button to remove a product from the user's current stocktake calculation. 
DiscountForOneReturns the discount (if any apply) for quantity x 1 of the queried product. 
DiscountForOneString?Why do we have both String & number?
GPAmountExReturns the GP dollar amount (ex GST) for a quantity x 1 of the product. 
GPAmountExForQty(Decimal)Returns the GP dollar amount (ex GST) for a specified quantity of the product.  
GPPercentageExReturns the GP percentage (ex GST) for a quantity x 1 of the product.  
GPPercentageExForQty(Decimal)Returns the GP percentage (ex GST) for a specified quantity of the product.  
HasLiveQuantityBreaksReturns True or False as to whether the product has quantity breaks, allowing for use in Xslt templates. (Only for Live connections) 
IncTaxPriceReturns True or False as to whether the price displayed includes GST.Need to confirm. Just basing this description on - 
ItemCostExReturns the Standard Cost (ex GST) for the queried product.Need to confirm - Standard or Replacement?
ItemCostExForQty(Decimal)Returns the Standard Cost (ex GST) for the queried product, for the specified quantity.Need to confirm - Standard or Replacement?
ItemsOnOrderRenders the available quantity of the queried product. The value returned is determined by the system setting 'Available Qty calculation', and the system/role-based setting 'Stock Availability'. (Sites can be configured to take into account Qty On Hand, Qty Committed, Qty Backordered, Qty Forward Ordered, Qty on PO, and so forth.  
AvailableQtyReturns the quantity available for sale (expressed as a decimal value),  after calculating stock on hand, quantity committed, PO's in transit, etc.   Useful for conditional templates in which logic is employed. 
AvailableQtyNotIncCurrentLinesStringReturns the quantity available of the queried product, not taking into account quantities currently in shopping carts as unsubmitted orders. (If the site is configured to count stock in Unsubmitted Orders in availabilty calculations, this token will override that and just display the warehouse availablity. 
AverageRatingReturns average rating for the queried product, expressed as a decimal point (eg 1.00), IF the product has been rated at least once. Otherwise, returns the resource 'rcProductReviewNoteRated' (which could be set to say "Be the first to review this product" or similar). 
AverageRatingDescriptionReturns the text equalivant of the queried product's average rating value (defined in System Table of type='Rating'). For example, 3 stars = 'Average'. 
AverageRatingTextIf the queried product has reviews, returns the value of 'rcProductReviewRatingText', including the numeric average review. If no reviews, returns empty string. (Example '4  out of 5 possible Stars') 
BonusStockForProductTextIf there are 1 or more bonus products attached to the queried product, renders the content defined in "ProductBonusItemsTemplate" (set in Assign Default Templates - zAllocate.aspx). 
ConfigureKitButtonRenders a resource-based input button that allows user to configure kit components. 
CostCentreCodeReturns the cost centre code control HTML if the product is allowed to be ordered, otherwise returns ?  
CustomerFavouritesProductDisplayIconChecks if the queried product is in the list of customer favourites. If so, returns a resource. 
CustomerProductCodeReturns the Customer-specific product code for the queried product. 
DeleteFromUserStocktakeButtonRenders a button to remove a product from the user's current stocktake calculation. 
DiscountForOneReturns the discount (if any apply) for quantity x 1 of the queried product. 
DiscountForOneStringReturns the discount for qty x 1 of the queried product, including the '%' symbol. If no discount, returns empty string. 
GPAmountExReturns the GP dollar amount (ex GST) for a quantity x 1 of the product. 
GPAmountExForQty(Decimal)Returns the GP dollar amount (ex GST) for a specified quantity of the product.  
GPPercentageExReturns the GP percentage (ex GST) for a quantity x 1 of the product.  
GPPercentageExForQty(Decimal)Returns the GP percentage (ex GST) for a specified quantity of the product.  
HasLiveQuantityBreaksReturns True or False as to whether the product has quantity breaks, allowing for use in Xslt templates. (Only for Live connections) 
IncTaxPriceReturns True or False as to whether the price displayed includes GST.Need to confirm. Just basing this description on - 
ItemCostExReturns the Standard Cost (ex GST) for the queried product.Need to confirm - which field does this draw fromStandard or Replacement?
KitCodeItemCostExForQty(Decimal)Returns the Kit Code if configurable kits are enabled and Standard Cost (ex GST) for the queried product is a kit. LiveQuantityBreakMessageReturns a resource value (description) to indicate to , for the specified quantity.Need to confirm - Standard or Replacement?
ItemsOnOrderReturns numeric value of (PO's + In Transit ?) or (Current Commitments?) for the queried product.Need to confirm - which field does this draw from?
KitCodeReturns the Kit Code if configurable kits are enabled and the queried product is a kit. 
LiveQuantityBreakMessageReturns a resource value (description) to indicate to the user that quantity break pricing applies to the queried product. 
MetaDataSummaryReturns a summary of all product metadata as defined in MetaDataSummaryFieldGroup and rendered using MetaDataSummaryTemplate as nominated in ProductCategory, Role, or System settings. 
MetaDataSummaryCustom(String, String)Returns a summary of all product metadata as defined in the supplied template and fieldgroup. 
NettPriceBreak0?What's the difference between this and 'NettPriceBreakPrice0' (below)?
NettPriceBreakPrice0Gets the Nett Price Break price at level 0Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 0. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel0Template'. 
NettPriceBreak0ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 0. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel0Template'. 
NettPriceBreak0IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 0. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel0Template'. 
NettPriceBreak1Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 1. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel1Template'. 
NettPriceBreak1ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 1. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel1Template'. 
NettPriceBreak1IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 1. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel1Template'. 
NettPriceBreak2Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 2. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel2Template'. 
NettPriceBreak2ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 2. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel2Template'. 
NettPriceBreak2IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 2. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel2Template'. 
NettPriceBreak3Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 3. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel3Template'. 
NettPriceBreak3ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 3. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel3Template'. 
NettPriceBreak3IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 3. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel3Template'. 
NettPriceBreak4Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 4. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel4Template'. 
NettPriceBreak4ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 4. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel4Template'. 
NettPriceBreak4IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 4. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel4Template'. 
NettPriceBreakPrice0Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 0. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice0ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 0. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice0IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 0. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice1Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 1. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice1ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 1. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice1IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 1. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice2Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 2. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice2ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 2. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice2IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 2. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice3Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 3. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice3ExGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), ex-GST at level 3. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice3IncGSTReturns the Nett Price Break (with discount), incl-GST at level 3. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice4Returns the Nett Price Break (with discount) at level 4. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice0ExGSTNettPriceBreakPrice4ExGSTGets Returns the Nett Price Break price (ex GST) at level 0(with discount), ex-GST at level 4. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice0IncGSTNettPriceBreakPrice4IncGSTGets Returns the Nett Price Break price (inc GST) at level 0(with discount), incl-GST at level 4. Returns the numeric value only, suitable for conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettPriceBreakPrice1Gets the Nett Price Break price at level 1NettPriceForOneReturns price (no discount) for quantity x 1 of the product. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. 
NettPriceBreakPrice1ExGSTGets the Nett Price Break NettPriceForOneExReturns price (ex GST) at level 1no discount) ex-tax, for quantity x 1 of the product. 
NettPriceBreakPrice1IncGSTGets the Nett Price Break price (inc GST) at level 1 
NettPriceBreakPrice2Gets the Nett Price Break price at level 2. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. 
NettPriceBreakPrice2ExGSTGets the Nett Price Break price (ex GST) at level 2 
NettPriceBreakPrice2IncGSTGets the Nett Price Break price (inc GST) at level 2 
NettPriceBreakPrice3Gets the Nett Price Break price at level 3NettPriceForOneExOrMessageSame as NettPriceForOne, unless attribute(s) have not been configured. In this case, displays message to user to select product options (resource 'rcProductAttributePriceEmptyMessage'). 
NettPriceForOneIncReturns price (no discount) inc-tax, for quantity x 1 of the product. 
NettPriceForOneIncOrMessageReturns price (with discount) inc-tax, for quantity x 1 of the product, unless attribute(s) have not been configured. In this case, displays message to user to select product options (resource 'rcProductAttributePriceEmptyMessage'). 
NettPriceForOneOrMessageReturns price (with discount) for quantity x 1 of the product. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. 
NettPriceBreakPrice3ExGSTNettPriceForOneStringGets the Nett Price Break price (ex GST) at level 3 
NettPriceBreakPrice3IncGSTGets the Nett Price Break price (inc GST) at level 3 
NettPriceBreakPrice4Gets the Nett Price Break price at level 4. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. 
NettPriceBreakPrice4ExGSTGets the Nett Price Break price (ex GST) at level 4 
NettPriceBreakPrice4IncGSTGets the Nett Price Break price (inc GST) at level 4 
NettPriceForOneReturns price (no discount) for quantity x 1 of the product. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. 
NettPriceForOneExReturns price (no discount) ex-tax, for quantity x 1 of the product. 
NettPriceForOneExOrMessageReturns price (with discount) ex-tax, for quantity x 1 of the product.Need to confirm -  what is "Or message" ?
NettPriceForOneIncReturns price (no discount) inc-tax, for quantity x 1 of the product. 
NettPriceForOneIncOrMessageReturns price (with discount) inc-tax, for quantity x 1 of the product.Need to confirm -  what is "Or message" ?
NettPriceForOneOrMessageReturns price (with discount) for quantity x 1 of the productReturns Nett Price (with discount), including dollar sign symbol. Useful for display templates rather than conditional templates (which employ logic). 
NettTaxForOneReturns the GST amount for quantity x 1 of the product. 
NumberOfReviewsReturns numeric value of the number of approved/published reviews for the queried product. 
OnContractReturns True or False as to whether the queried product is a contract item.  
OrderLineNoteRenders an input box for note lines for the queried product. Useful for adding note line input to pages other than the shopping cart.TF - May not be supported by widgets. Leave out of document? 
Picture1Returns the 'Picture1' file name for the queried product. 
PriceBreak0Returns the Price Break (without discount). Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel0Template'. 
PriceBreak0ExGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), ex-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel0Template'. 
PriceBreak0IncGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), incl-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel0Template'. 
PriceBreak1Returns the Price Break (without discount). Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive.  
NettTaxForOneReturns the GST amount for quantity x 1 of the productReturns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevelXTemplate'. 
NumberOfReviewsReturns numeric value of the number of approved/published reviews for the queried productPriceBreak1ExGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), ex-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel1Template'. 
OnContractPriceBreak1IncGSTReturns True or False as to whether the queried product is a contract item.  
OrderLineNoteReturns the text of the order note line associated with the queried product.Need to confirm. (educated guess)
Picture1Returns the 'Picture1' file name for the queried product. 
Picture1ImageRenders the 'Picture1' image for the queried product. 
PriceBreak0?What's the difference between this and 'PriceBreakPrice0' (below)?
the Price Break (without discount), incl-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel1Template'. 
PriceBreak2Returns the Price Break (without discount). Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevelXTemplate'. 
PriceBreak2ExGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), ex-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel2Template'. 
PriceBreak2IncGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), incl-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel2Template'. 
PriceBreak3Returns the Price Break (without discount). Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevelXTemplate'. 
PriceBreak3ExGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), ex-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel3Template'. 
PriceBreak3IncGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), incl-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel3Template'. 
PriceBreak4Returns the Price Break (without discount). Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevelXTemplate'. 
PriceBreak4ExGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), ex-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel4Template'. 
PriceBreak4IncGSTReturns the Price Break (without discount), incl-GST. Returns translated value based on resource 'PriceLevel4Template'. 
PriceBreakPrice0Returns the Price Break price (numeric only) at level 0. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Does not translate the resource PriceLevelXTemplate. 
PriceBreakPrice1Returns the Price Break price (numeric only) at level 1. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Does not translate the resource PriceLevel1Template. 
PriceBreakPrice2Returns the Price Break price (numeric only) at level 2. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Does not translate the resource PriceLevel2Template. 
PriceBreakPrice3Returns the Price Break price (numeric only) at level 3. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Does not translate the resource PriceLevel3Template. 
PriceBreakPrice4Returns the Price Break price (numeric only) at level 4. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. Does not translate the resource PriceLevel4Template. 
PriceBreakQty0Returns the required quantity for a level 0 Price Break. 
PriceBreakQty1Returns the required quantity for a level 1 Price Break. 
PriceBreakQty2Returns the required quantity for a level 2 Price Break. 
PriceBreakQty3Returns the required quantity for a level 3 Price Break. 
PriceBreakQty4Returns the required quantity for a level 4 Price Break. 
PriceContractReturns the Contract price for quantity x 1 of the queried product. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. 
PriceContractExGSTReturns the Contract price (ex GST) for quantity x 1 of the queried product. 
PriceContractIncGSTReturns the Contract price (inc GST) for quantity x 1 of the queried product. 
PriceCurrencySuffixDisplays the generic currency suffix or '(inc GST)' / '(ex GST)', depending on flags. 
PriceForOneReturns the price for quantity x 1 of the queried product. Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusiveGST-inclusive or -exclusive. 
PriceForOneExReturns the price (ex GST) for quantity x 1 of the queried product. 
PriceForOneExOrMessageReturns the price (ex GST), or message based on attribute config on page, for quantity x 1 of the queried product. 
PriceForOneExPriceForOneIncReturns the price (ex inc GST) for quantity x 1 of the queried product. 
PriceForOneExOrMessagePriceForOneIncOrMessageReturns the price (ex inc GST) , or message based on attribute config on page, for quantity x 1 of the queried product. 
PriceForOneOrMessageReturns the price for quantity x 1 of the queried product. PriceForOneIncReturns the price (inc GST) for quantity x 1 of the queried productthe queried product, unless attribute(s) have not been configured. In this case, displays message to user to select product options (resource 'rcProductAttributePriceEmptyMessage'). 
PriceForOneIncOrMessagePriceForOneStringReturns the price (inc GST) or message based on attribute config on page, for quantity x 1 of the queried productRRP with dollar sign symbol. Useful for display templates rather than conditional templates (which employ logic). 
PriceForOneOrMessageReturns the price, or message based on attribute config on page, for quantity x 1 of the queried product.(do we have an example of attribute related msg?)
PricePromotionFormats the ProntoPriceRecord["PromPrice"] so this is essentially ex GST.What does this mean? Especially in relation to the next two on the list ('PricePromotionExGST' and 'IncGST')?
ProductParsedListTemplate(String)Returns a parsed template for the queried product. Designed to replace WebServiceAjax.ProductSearchWithListTemplate with DynamicServices and call Product.GetProductWithFilter.In english?
ProductParsedListTemplateBatched(String, Boolean)Returns a parsed template for THE WHOLE Product RECORDSET - will only return parsed data for the first record in the set. Assumes that the template has a CSSRepeat in it.PriceFromDefaultFor Attributed Products (style/colour/size variations), returns the RRP of the nominated default product  - useful when variations have different prices. The lowest priced product would be nominated the default, then price could be displayed as 'From $XX.XX'. 
PriceFromFirstFor Attributed Products (style/colour/size variations), returns the RRP of the first product found - useful when all variations are the same price. 
PricePromotionReturns a formatted value for Promotional Price based on the resource 'PricePromotionTemplate'. Dependant on both Customer settings AND 'System2.PromoPriceIncludesTax' whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive. 
PricePromotionExGSTReturns a formatted value for Promotional Price (ex GST), based on the resource 'PricePromotionTemplate'. 
PricePromotionIncGSTReturns a formatted value for Promotional Price (inc GST), based on the resource 'PricePromotionTemplate'. 
QtyBoxRenders an input box for user to input quantity. 
QuantityInCartReturns the quantity of the queried product currently in the user's cart.  RegistryListIDHiddenHtmlFieldIn english?
RequestedDeliveryDateBoxRenders an input box for user to input preferred order delivery datedelivery date. 
RRPExReturns the RRP (ex GST) for the queried product. 
ReviewSummary?Guessing to do w/ Product Reviews, but not sure which field.
RRPExRRPExOrMessageReturns the RRP (ex GST) for quantity x 1 of the queried product, unless attribute(s) have not been configured. In this case, displays message to user to select product options (resource 'rcProductAttributePriceEmptyMessage'). 
RRPIncReturns the RRP (ex inc GST) for the queried product. 
RRPExOrMessageRRPIncOrMessageReturns the RRP (ex inc GST) , or message based on attribute config on page, for quantity x 1 of the queried product.(do we have an example of attribute related msg?)RRPIncReturns the RRP (inc GST) for the queried product, unless attribute(s) have not been configured. In this case, displays message to user to select product options (resource 'rcProductAttributePriceEmptyMessage'). 
RRPIncOrMessageRRPOrMessageReturns the RRP (inc GST), or message based on attribute config on page, for quantity x 1 of the queried product.(do we have an example of attribute related msg?)RRPOrMessageReturns the RRP, or message based on attribute config on page, for quantity x 1 of the queried product, unless attribute(s) have not been configured. In this case, displays message to user to select product options (resource 'rcProductAttributePriceEmptyMessage'). Dependant on Customer settings whether price shown is GST-inclusive or -exclusive.(do we have an example of attribute related msg?) 
StocktakeQtyRenders the quantity of the queried product counted in the user's current User Stocktake for that Customer. Returns an empty string if the feature is disabled. UniqueBomLineTypeConfigurableKitComponentsReturns a ProntoBillOfMaterials set of unique BomLineTypes of configurable kit components for the product.Example would help.
UserFavouritesProductDisplayIconChecks if the queried product is in the list of user favourites. If so, returns a resource. 




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