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  1. Navigate to SettingsPayment & CheckoutBraintree Payment.
  2. If the Available in CMS toggle is not enabled, toggle it ON. 

  3. Click Configure.

  4. Configure General Settings for Braintree Payments. NOTE - the Overrides feature can be used instead of global settings when offered.
    1. To enable Braintree for all Users on your site, toggle ON Enable Braintree Payment. TIP - Leave this global toggle off and add Role Overrides if Braintree is to be offered only to specific roles, e.g., B2C customers. 

    2. In Mode, select 'Sandbox' if you are on the testing Stage site or 'Production' on the live site. 


      The sandbox is an entirely separate environment from your production account. Nothing created in the sandbox (e.g. processing options, recurring billing settings) will transfer to production. Your login information, merchant ID, and API keys will also be different. 

    3. Enter credentials for either 'Sandbox' or 'Production'. You will need the following from your Braintree account:
      - Merchant ID
      - Public Key
      - Private Key 
  5. If you want to allow Users to be able to delete a saved (vaulted) payment, toggle ON Allow Vault Management. When this setting is enabled, an Edit link displays next to each payment mode.  

    When the User clicks on Edit, the delete option appears for each payment. The User can click it to remove the saved payment.  

  6. If the saved payment at the top of the list is to be preselected when the User pays during checkout, toggle ON Preselect Vaulted Payment Method. A preselected payment is foregrounded and has a tick next to it. If OFF, the last saved payment will be preselected.

  7. If  ... Show Default Payment Method First. CHECK


The next step is to configure each payment option your site will offer. Notice there are a number of payment options available, each of which can be individually enabled or disabled at any time to suit your business requirements. NOTE - Each option you enable used must also be turned on in your Braintree account


Your Braintree account will allow you to automatically offer credit card payments. To


include PayPal, Google Pay or Apple Pay, your business must also have accounts with


the respective providers.  CHECk 

All enabled Braintree payment methods will display under a common Payment Methods tab during checkout.  TIP - you can change the tab name 'Payment Methods' in the Checkout Payments Options Widget.

Credit Card Settings

Braintree Payments is currently set up to accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Specific settings are not required to accept each option as that is done by Braintree. You can decide whether successfully used credit cards should be saved for future purchases or not by default, or to allow the User to decide. 
