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titleClick here for a guide to user fields...

The following fields are used when importing a user. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

User ID (generally an email address)
Field NameField Description
EmailAddress*User ID
NotifyEmailAddress*Notification Email Address
*Deactivate User (
DeactivatedShould user be disabled upon creation? Enter Yes or No
FirstNameFirst Name
LastNameLast Name
Force Password Change (Yes or No)
ConfirmPasswordForce user to change to new password when they first logon to your website. Enter: Yes or No. If left blank, it defaults to 'No'.
JobTitleJob Title
PhoneNumber*Contact Phone Number
Fax NumberFax Number
DefaultCostCentreDefault Cost Centre
CustomerCode*Default Customer
Code*Global Catalogue Access (Blank,
GlobalCatalogueAccessFor custom catalogue use. Enter: Denied, Full
or ViewOnly)Orders Approved By
, ViewOnly or leave blank
OrdersApprovedByFor use with order approvals feature.
SpecialInstructionsSpecial Instructions
ContractItemsOnlyContract Items Only
. Enter: Yes or No
InitialRole*Initial Role
*Approval Type (Blank,
ApprovalTypeEnter: SPU, MPU, SPA, MPA, MPAS, H, HC
or HAL)Approve Non Contract Items (
, HAL or leave blank
ApproveNonContractEnter: Yes or No
DenyApprovalProductEntryDeny Product Entry on Approval
. Enter: Yes or No
AllowApprovalProductEntryAllow Product Entry on Approval
. Enter: Yes or No

Import Users

1. Create and populate new users CSV file


  1. In an editor such as Notepad, open a new text file. You can also use Excel. 

    titleClick here for a guide to creating the file in Excel...

    1. Copy the header text.
    EmailAddress, NotifyEmailAddress, Deactivated, FirstName, Surname, Password, ConfirmPassword, JobTitle, Section, PhoneNumber, FaxNumber, DefaultCostCentre, CustomerCode, GlobalCatalogueAccess, OrdersApprovedBy, SpecialInstructions, ContractItemsOnly, InitialRole, ApprovalType, ApproveNonContract, DenyApprovalProductEntry, AllowApprovalProductEntry

    2. Open a blank Excel worksheet.

    3. Click to select the first row in the first column,

    4. Paste the text into the cell.

    5. Select In the popup window, select the Data menu, then click Text to Columns.
    Image RemovedImage Added

    6. Select Delimited, then Next.

    7. Tick Comma, then . If it’s correct, you’ll see lines between each row of data.

    8. Click Next.

    8. Click Finish

    9. Save the file.  The data will now be correctly formatted into the columns.

  2. Copy and paste the following text into the file: 
    EmailAddress, NotifyEmailAddress, Deactivated, FirstName, Surname, Password, ConfirmPassword, JobTitle, Section, PhoneNumber, FaxNumber, DefaultCostCentre, CustomerCode, GlobalCatalogueAccess, OrdersApprovedBy, SpecialInstructions, ContractItemsOnly, InitialRole, ApprovalType, ApproveNonContract, DenyApprovalProductEntry, AllowApprovalProductEntry

  3. Save the file with an extension of .csv
