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  • Intuitive easy to configure sort selection interface.

  • Default and other sort options selected in a dropdrop list.

  • Custom fields (if implemented) can be typed in for selection.

  • Apply Globally toggle for control of sort options across multiple widget instances.

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Product List Sort in action

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When your shoppers search for products or through categories, the results may return hundreds of ‘matching’ products. The sort tool lets the user prioritise the results by selecting a sort option. A common one used is price, either ‘High to Low’, or ‘Low to High’. Another is alphabetical order.

We have made the Product List Sort Widget a lot more user-friendly so setting sort options is fast and intuitive. The widget defaults with the six most popular sorts. Want them in a different order? Just drag and drop to reorder them.

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Default sort options

If the defaults aren’t what you want, just select from the many options in the dropdown list.


Change to the sort options you want

And if your site uses multiple instances of the Product List Sort Widget and you want all their sort options to be the same, just enable Apply Globally. Hmm. What if you only want some of those to be the same? No problem. Just disable Apply Globally on those specific widgets.

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Enable Apply Globally





Do you use out-of-the-box sort options for product list search results? Or do you prefer customised options that are more suited to your products or customers? Either way, setting sort options has become a whole lot faster with the new look of the sort selection modal. And with a toggle, you can apply the sort configuration in one widget to some or all product sort list widgets.

Ever considered how to clean out years of inactive website user accounts from your system and deactivate abandoned accounts? Now you can schedule Inactive User Management as a task that runs in the background daily.

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Every year, many new user accounts are created to access your website. At the same time, employees also leave their organisations, or yours, and customers for one reason or another no longer access their accounts. Leaving large numbers of inactive users in active status can pose a huge security threat. And without regular clean outs, it becomes unmanageable for IT administrators and can distort marketing campaigns.

It is also very important to take appropriate action as soon as abandoned user accounts are identified. But if your database of users is in the thousands or even the hundreds, it is not realistic to check when each user last accessed their account, or at all. And how do you make sure these accounts are really abandoned?

The Inactive User Management feature will automatically take care of finding inactive user accounts, changing account statuses, and sending of warning and deactivation email notifications.

All these are what the task can do:

  • It checks for inactive users based on the period of inactivity you set, e.g., 365 days.

  • It flags them as possible abandoned accounts.

  • It sends a first ‘keep me active’ email. The user is asked to respond by clicking a supplied link or logging into their account.

  • It checks whether the user responded within a period you set, e.g., 30 days.

  • If the user responded, the account is confirmed ‘active’. If there was no response, it sends a second ‘keep me active’ email.

  • If the user responded, the account is confirmed ‘active’. If there was still no response, the user account is marked as ‘deactivated’.

  • It sends a ‘deactivated user’ notification to the email on record.

Deactivated users can no longer login to your site. Deactivated users can be manually reinstated as ‘active’ at a later stage.

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  • Manages inactive users with an automated process you don’t have to constantly monitor.
  • Allows you to define the inactivity period, and set time frames for each email notification and expiry for the ‘keep me active’ links.

  • Integrates to the CV ecommerce platform's existing system of user account statuses, including ‘deactivated’.

  • Keeps the deactivated user account record as historical data, and just in case user reactivation is needed in the future.

  • Provides customisable email templates for each notification type.

  • Works with CV ecommerce’s approvals feature to identify users who are approvers. Approvers cannot be deactivated if an order is awaiting their approval or they are the only approver in the customer account.

  • Allows you to search for all users with deactivated status in CMS Website User Maintenance.

  • Allows you to reactivate a deactivated user on the CMS Edit User page.