Versions Compared


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Shows the user registration form .


and allows a new user to enter their details and create an account.

Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

 Image Added

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates: 

  • Register Page Template

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
A short description of the widget
It is recommended to use this so the reason for use of the widget is seem
's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer
the widget
will be shown onThe
is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.


 This is handy

if the content is only valid for a certain type of user


or if the same widget is required for more than

one audience


but different

configuration is

configurations are needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more

than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Send Register Email
Determines whether the user will receive an email after registering an account

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

User Id Required As Email

Determines whether the User ID must be in email format (eg

  • When ticked, the user's email address serves as their User ID and the 'Use Notify Email' option is disabled.
  • When unticked, the User ID can be any value, and the 'Use Notify Email
  • ' option can be used to store the user's notification email address.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Use Notify Email
 Automaitcally true if user id required as email is false 
Renders a field for the user to enter a notification email address for all communication from the website. This option is automatically enabled if the User ID is not required to be in email format.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Use Confirm Email
 Shows a confirm email box asking the user to reenter their email address to confirm they have entered it correctly
Renders the email address input box twice so that the user must enter it again as confirmation.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

First Name RequiredDetermines whether the First Name is mandatory for registration. 

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Surname RequiredDetermines whether the Surname is mandatory for registration. 

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Show Phone Number
Renders the Phone Number field on the registration form.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Phone Number Required
Determines whether the Phone Number is mandatory for registration. 

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Prompt For Promo Material

Renders a checkbox for the user to elect to receive promo material on registration.

NOTE - A field must exist for this value in the 'B2CRegistration' field group.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Show Terms and Conditions Checkbox
Renders a checkbox for the user to acknowledge and accept the site's Terms & Conditions.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Ticking Terms and Conditions Checkbox Required
Determines whether accepting the Terms & Conditions is mandatory for registration. 

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Show Validation Messages In Message Box
   Password Rule Prompt   Customer Code Only required if the registration customer code will be different to the global B2C registration customer code Initial Role 
Determines whether an error message displays if the user attempts to register an account without entering valid content into mandatory fields. The error message will list the invalid fields.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Show Captcha for RegistrationDetermines whether a Captcha check is included in the register form.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Phone Number RegexTests entered phone numbers so ensure they are valid. 

Default: /^0(2|3|4|7|8)\d{8}$/

NOTE - this should normally not be edited.

B2B Registration Completed Message

Text that is displayed when initial registration of a B2B user is complete. 

Default: Thank you for registering. Please allow up to 48 business hours (during peak times) for your login to be validated and activated. A confirmation email of your registration has been sent to you. When your login has been fully activated another email will be sent to you with details on how to login and complete the registration process.4.04
B2B Registration Auto Approval Completed MessageText that is displayed to the B2B user after they submit the registration form if auto-approval is on.Default: Thank you for registering. A verification email has been sent to you. Once you verify your email you will be able to login and complete the registration process.4.04
B2C Registration Verification Required Completed MessageText that is displayed to the B2C user after they submit the registration form if verification via email is on.Default: Thank you for registering. A verification email has been sent to you. Once you verify your email you will be able to login and complete the registration process.4.27
Customer CodeRequired only if B2C Customer Code to be used is different from the default B2C Customer code. Default: n/a4.23
Hide Overriding Registration Customer CodeOverrides Customer Code for B2C user if 'Customer Code' has been set here.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Initial RoleOnly required if the registered role will be different to the global B2C registration role.Default: n/aAll
Customer Code FieldRequired only if B2C Customer Code changes as the value here changes. Default: n/aAll
Additional Register Field ColumnsDetermines how many additional field columns are present on the register page.Default: 23.82
TitlesUse Comments
Details Section TitleThe heading text for the user details section.Default: Your DetailsAll
Details Section IconThe icon that appears next to the user details heading text.Default: cv-ico-general-pencilAll
Password Section TitleThe heading text for the user password section.Default: Create PasswordAll
Password Section IconThe icon that appears next to the user password heading text.Default: cv-ico-general-keyAll

Password Mismatch Error Message
The red validation message displayed to a user who does not enter matching values in the password and re-enter password fields.Default: Your passwords do not match. Please try againAll
Email Mismatch Error Message
   Terms Checkbox Prompt   Terms Checkbox Not Ticked Message   Register Button Prompt   Regsiter Button Icon   Details Section Title   Details Section Icon   Password Section Title   Password Section Icon   Additional Register Field Columns   




The red validation message displayed to a user who does not enter matching values in the email and re-enter email fields. Default: Your email addresses do not match. Please try againAll
Terms Checkbox Not Ticked MessageThe red validation message displayed to a user who attempts to register without first accepting the Terms & Conditions. Default: You must agree to the terms and conditionsAll
Self-registration Not Permitted MessageThe message displayed to users attempting to register when the site is not configured to allow self-registration.Default: This site does not support self-registration of new users3.82
Terms Checkbox PromptText entered into this option will appear next to the terms and condition checkbox underneath the password fields.Default is: I have read the terms & conditionsAll
Register Button PromptThe text on the Register button.Default: RegisterAll
Register Button IconThe icon on the Register button.Default is: cv-ico-general-user-addAll
Password Rule PromptText displayed above the Password prompt. You can add hints to the user (min. 6 characters) here.Default: n/aAll
Terms Checkbox PromptText for the Terms and Conditions checkbox.Default:  I have read the terms & conditionsAll
Inline Terms and Conditions TextText for the Terms & Conditions of registration.Default: n/aAll
Captcha VersionDetermines which version of captcha is used. 

Default: Default Captcha

Select another option from the dropdown list. 

reCaptcha Site Key(For reCaptcha v2 only.) Key that is created for your site.Default: n/a4.18
reCaptcha Site Secret(For reCaptcha v2 only.) Secret that is created for your site.Default: n/a4.18
reCaptcha Theme(For reCaptcha v2 only.) Determines whether the reCaptpha v2 background is light or dark.

Default: Light

Select another option from the dropdown list. 

reCaptcha Size(For reCaptcha v2 only.) Determines whether the reCaptpcha v2 image is normal or compact.

Default: Normal

Select another option from the dropdown list. 

reCaptcha BadgeThis feature is not used here.

Related help

Content by Label
cqllabel = "user-website"

Content by Label
excerpttitleRelated widgets
cqllabel = "widget" and space = "KB" and title ~ "registration"
labelswidget cms