Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents




Checkout messages are displayed to the user when they are finalising their order. For instance, they can be used to communicate:

  • applicable rules and regulations when purchasing certain products, e.g., hazardous substance warnings; 
  • changes to orders over holiday periods;
  • expected shipping delays on certain products.
MultiExcerptNameFeature Overview
Checkout messages that are formatted to your site style. Multiple messages can be created and displayed where applicable.  

Image Modified


NOTE - There is an option to add a confirmation


message and checkbox in the checkout message. If this is enabled, the user must acknowledge they have read the message to continue with Checkout. The confirmation text can be edited in the Checkout Messages Widget

Checkout messages can be shown to all users at the checkout stage but a message can be configured so that it is shown only when certain criteria are met. For example, you can set messages for: 

  • orders with products from a specific category;
  • specific customers;
  • orders containing specific products;
  • orders over/under/between certain dollar values.




If two or more set messages are applicable to an order, both messages will appear in the checkout message box. 


On this page:

Table of Contents

Step-by-step guide 

1. Create a Checkout Message

  1. In the CMS,


  1. go to SettingsCheckout Messages. 

  2. Click New.

  3. In Message, enter the message to be displayed to the user. 

  4. Use Sort Code/Mask to define a product category: 
    1. enter the sort code for one category of products, 
    2. enter '%' for ALL products in all categories,
    3. wildcards for multiple categories, i.e., 'SX123%', or 
    4. leave blank if using an 'Override Query'.

  5. For Is Plain Text?:
    1. Tick for the message to be displayed in plain text with no applied formatting.
      An example is the default message:
      Image Added

    2. Untick for the message formatting to


    1. be rendered by any HTML.  Some HTML element properties will be guided by your site style (accessible in the CMS: Style GuidesStatic Content.) Formatting allows content to visually stand out more and be customised to suit purpose.   

      titleAdding HTML formatting

      Imagine how you want the message to look. You may want some parts to stand out more than others. Or for a certain sentence to appear bigger than others. Or you want to add some white space between certain sections of the message.  

      titleClick here for a basic guide to formatting the message...

      Adding HTML tags

      An HTML tag is a special word or letters surrounded by angle brackets, < and >. To format a chunk of text, in most cases, you will be placing it between opening and closing tags. The tags with the included text is called an HTML element. For example, if we add a word 'IMPORTANT' to the default checkout message and want to bold it, we can make it a bold element by putting it in between the bold opening tag <b> and closing tag </b>. A closing tag has a forward slash '/' before the special word/letter and the closing angle bracket. The whole bold element will look like this: <b>IMPORTANT</b>.  

      Image Added             

      A few elements don't need opening and closing tags. The most useful is <br />, which puts a line break where it appears. Suppose we want to add a line break after 'Here's a sample message.'

      Image Added

      Nesting elements

      You can keep one HTML element inside another HTML element.

      Image Added

      List of useful HTML elements

      There are many more HTML elements you can use but here are some basic ones. Play around with formatting options to achieve the look you want. 

      FunctionHTML tagExample




      Note - The further down you go with the headings, the smaller they become. The lowest is <h6>. However, your site's style may not have all heading elements defined.

      Image Added



      Creates paragraph elements in your message. Provides white space between elements for easier reading.

      Image Added                

      Line break

      <br />

      Adds a line break to 

      Image Added


      List type:

      <ul></ul> - Unordered list (no special order or sequence for items in list. Default:  listed items to start with a bullet point. 

      <ol></ol> - Ordered list. Default: listed items are numbered. 

      Note - Define the List type, then each list item is contained within <li></li> tags.


      <li>List item 1</li>
      <li>List item 2</li>

      Image Added               

      Typeface for emphasis

      <b>bold</b> or <strong></strong>

      <i>italics</i> or <em></em>


      Image Added                

  1. For Requires User Confirmation:
    1. Tick to display a checkbox that the user must tick before being allowed to continue
    2. Untick for the message to display without confirmation from the user

  2. Enter an 'Override Query' if required.


  1. NOTE - This field works together with Sort Code/Mask. See Defining the criteria for checkout messages below. 


    An override query is used to define alternative criteria to be met before the message is displayed to the user.

    The following tables can be used:

    An example would be:

    product.conditioncode = 'T'

    See more examples below. 

  2. For Applies to Mode, set whether the message applies to B2B, B2C or both user roles.

  3. (For classic sites only. Leave blank for BPD sites.) For the Top Template (displayed below the message), select the required template, if applicable.

  4. (For Pronto only.) For Field Group Name, select the fieldgroup that is defined on the prontosalesorder table to be displayed along with the message. 

  5. (For classic sites only. Leave blank for BPD sites.) For the Bottom Template (displayed below the message), select the required template, if applicable.

  6. To save these changes, click OK.


Defining the criteria for displaying checkout messages 


When setting up a checkout message, the 'Sort Code/Mask' and 'Override Query' fields are used to define the criteria for whether or not a checkout message is displayed to the user. The following values will provide an example of how to display a checkout message for various scenarios.

titleCheckout Message Examples

You might find these scenarios helpful when creating your own Checkout Messages.

When a Product in a specific Category is in the Cart:
  • 'Sort Code/Mask': Enter the Category code. i.e. SX123456
  • 'Override Query': Leave blank.

When a Product under a higher level Category is in the Cart:
  • 'Sort Code/Mask': Enter the Parent Category code and add a percentage sign to indicate any categories under that tree. i.e. SX12%
  • 'Override Query': Leave blank.

For a specific Customer:
  • 'Sort Code/Mask': Leave blank.
  • 'Override Query': Enter the following query and substitute ABC123 for the customer code.

    Code Block
    Code = 'ABC123'

When a specific Product is in the Cart:
  • 'Sort Code/Mask': Leave blank.
  • 'Override Query': Enter the following query and substitute AB-12345 for the product code.

    Code Block
    productcode = 'AB-12345'

When one (or more) of several Product is in the Cart:


  • 'Sort Code/Mask': Leave blank.
  • 'Override Query': Enter the following query and substitute 'CV120','CV200','CV250' with your own product codes (comma-separated)

    Code Block
    productcode in ('CV120','CV200','CV250') 

When the Cart Amount is greater than $200.00 Ex Tax:
  • 'Sort Code/Mask': Leave blank.
  • 'Override Query': Enter the following query.

    Code Block
    (soOrderTotalAmount-SoOrderTotalTax) > 200

2. Enable Checkout Message

Displaying the Checkout Message is enabled by adding the Checkout Messages widget in the relevant template, e.g., Cart. Further display options are also available in the widget. See the help page for the Checkout Messages widget. 

Additional Information

MultiExcerptNameAdditional Info


Use to alert users of purchasing rules and regulations, warnings, changes over holiday periods, any shipping delays, etc.

MultiExcerptNameFeature Title

Checkout Messages

Minimum Version Requirements

MultiExcerptNameMinimum Version Requirements


MultiExcerptNamePre reqs


Self Configurable

MultiExcerptNameSelf Configurable


Business Function

MultiExcerptNameBusiness Function


MultiExcerptNameBallpark Hours From CV (if opting for CV to complete self config component)

Contact Commerce Vision


MultiExcerptNameBallpark Hours From CV (in addition to any self config required)

Contact Commerce Vision

Site Structure

BPD Only?

MultiExcerptNameBPD Only






MultiExcerptNameCMS Category



Third Party Costs

MultiExcerptNameThird Party Costs



Related help

Content by Label
cqllabel = "stylesheets" and title ~ "'Style Sheet Editor'"

Content by Label
cqllabel = "widget" and type = "page" and space = "KB" and title ~ "Checkout Messages widget"
labelsCheckout message