Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommended this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

List Style

Determines the style of the display, depending on location:

  • Cart - Select this when the widget is in the Cart Template
  • Summary - Select this when the widget is in the Order Confirmation page (displayed when the user clicks 'Quick View')

Default is: Cart

Select via drop-down

Show Image?Displays the product image thumbnail.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Place Holder ImageThe file path for the default product placeholder image.Default is: /Themes/BPDTHEME01/theme-client-updates/img/placeholder/product-image.png 3.75
Use Hyperlink on Image?Links the thumbnail image to the product detail page.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Show Unit Description?Includes a column to display the product's unit description value.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Unit Description PromptThe text prompt displayed at the top of the Unit column.Default is: Unit 3.75
Show Discount?Includes a column to display the product's discount value.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Discount PromptThe text prompt displayed at the top of the Discount column.Default is: Discount 3.75
Show GST?Includes a column to display the product's GST value.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

GST PromptThe text prompt displayed at the top of the GST column.Default is: GST 3.75
Increase Quantities In Pack Qty?Forces the value in the quantity box to increase / decrease by pack quantity values when using the plus/minus icon buttons.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Add Note Button PromptThe text displayed on the 'Add Note' button.Default is: Add Note 3.75
Show Favourites Button?Includes the 'Favourite' button, the style of which is dependant on whether the product is currently in the user's Favourite list.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Remove Line After Adding to Favourites?Removes the line from the order after adding the item to Favourites. Changes the function into a 'move to favourites' rather than simply an 'add to favourites'.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Favourites Button PromptThe text displayed on the 'Favourite' button.Default is: Favourite 3.75
Cost Centre PromptThe text displayed on the 'Cost Centre' button.Default is: Cost Centre 3.75
Default Sort FieldThe default field by which products are sorted when a sort option has not been selected.Select from the values specified in the 'Sort Options' field (e.g. 'OrderItemPrice' to sort by price, 'Product[0].Description' to sort by description, and so on). 3.75
Default Sort DirectionEither ascending or descending by value of the selected sort field.Default is: Ascending 3.75
Show Sorter?Displays a product sort drop-down so that cart lines can be sorted according to the selected field.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Sort By PromptThe prompt text displayed to the left of the sort drop-down.Default is: (Sort) 3.75
Please Select TextThe prompt text displayed in the drop-down when no sort value has been selected.Default is: Please Select... 3.75
Sort OptionsDefines the values for the drop-down options.Default is: [{text: 'First to Last', value: 'LineSeq asc'},{text: 'Last to First', value: 'LineSeq desc'}, {text: 'Price (low to high)', value: 'OrderItemPrice asc'}, {text: 'Price (high to low)', value: 'OrderItemPrice desc'}, {text: 'Description A-Z', value: 'Product[0].Description asc'}, {text: 'Description Z-A', value: 'Product[0].Description desc'}] 3.75
Default Added to Favourites MessageThe text displayed when the product has been added to the user's favourites.Default is: Your product has been successfully added to your favourites 3.75
Default Error Adding To Favourites MessageThe text displayed when the system encounters an error adding a product to the user's favourites.Default is: Error adding this product to your favourites, it may already exist 3.75
Line Updated Successfully MessageThe text displayed when a single line update is successful.

Appears when the 'Update' button on an order line is clicked.

Default is: Line updated successfully

Lines Updated Successfully MessageThe text displayed when multiple lines updates are successful.

Appears when the 'Update Order' button in the cart is clicked.

Default is: Your order updated successfully

Lines Updated UnSuccessfully MessageThe text displayed when multiple lines updates are unsuccessful.Default is: Some of your lines have errors, please review 3.75
Lines Updated Error MessageThe text displayed when the system encounters an error updating order lines.Default is: There was an error trying to update the lines 3.75
Enter Numeric MessageThe text displayed when a user enters a non-numeric value into a numeric-only field (e.g. quantity).Default is: Please enter a numeric quantity 3.75
Line Deleted Successfully MessageThe text displayed when an order line is successfully deleted.Default is: Product Code {0} has been removed 3.75
Lines Deleted Successfully MessageThe text displayed when multiple order lines are successfully deleted.Default is: Products {0} have been removed 3.75
Pickup Selected With No Store Set Message

The text displayed when the user has selected the Pickup option in the cart, but has not set a store location.

Only applies when system Store Availability Click And Collect is in use.

 Default is: Please choose a store location for order pickup

Show 'Notify Me When In Stock' button?Includes the 'Notify Me' button on order lines that are out of stock.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Notify Me When In Stock Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Notify Me' button.Default is: Notify Me When Back In Stock 3.75
Show Icons In Price And Discount Edit Modal Popup?Determines whether the '$' and '%' icons are displayed in the modal window in which Reps can edit prices or discounts.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Nearby Pickup Availability Maximum StoresDetermines the max number of nearby stores to check for the available product.

Only applies when system Store Availability Click And Collect is in use.

Default is: 3

Nearby Pickup Include Current Store In Check?Determines whether the currently selected store is included when checking nearby stores for an available product.

Only applies when system Store Availability Click And Collect is in use.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable




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