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Question: I have just tested the speed my website loads pages and I am worried about the score. How can I increase the page load speed? 

Perhaps you have just tested your website load speed on a tool like PageSpeed or WebPageTest. And the score came back so low!

We all should want faster page load speeds. Slow load speeds influence visitor user experience - and ultimately, for business, it may lower website conversions, especially on mobile devices. Slower than expected page load speeds can also have other effects you might not have considered, like your Google rankings.Slower than expected site load speeds negatively affect user experience. Especially on mobile devices where fast sites are taken for granted these days. For eCommerce websites, load speed can be critical. Slow sites can cost potential customers and orders. There may also be other effects. For example, SEO rankings now take page load speed into consideration for organic and paid ads positioning.

If you have tested your site with a tool such as PageSpeed or WebPageTest, the report would have come back with a list of issues and suggestions for improvement. 


There are several variables that can affect the page load speeds of make a difference to how fast your Customer Self Service eCommerce Platform website . Some of the most important are:


loads. In a nutshell, most will be related to file size, storage space, and the amount of information that the server needs to send to each user. We have broken up to:

    • CSS and JavaScript use
    • Content (e.g., many banners, media not optimised for online)
    • Customisation complexity
    • Background tasks

We will go through them one by one and suggests some actions. Some of these are in your control. Others may require technical analysis and expertise.  

CSS and JavaScript use

If you checked run your web site through a page speed tool, it is likely that at the top of the list of culprits may have been suggestions is something like 'Eliminate Render-blocking Resources'. 
