
Ever wanted to edit one of your website pages and see what your changes look like BEFORE you hit publish? Our new CMS Page Preview functionality means that now you can!

Page Preview is feature-based, meaning it will not automatically be enabled for your site. You can elect to turn it on for just your Stage site, your Live site, or both.


Draft mode

 Once you enable Page Preview, here's what you'll notice: 

When you make a change to a page (adding or editing a widget, for example), it's instantly put into draft mode and you'll see some new options at the top right. 



Draft counter

You'll also see a Draft counter up in the CMS header (with the little quill icon).

It keeps a tally of how many pages you currently have in draft mode. Click it to open a pop-up displaying a list of each page you've not yet published changes for.

From here, you can publish a single page, toggle several on and 'Publish Selected', or click on a page name to go directly to edit mode for that page. 


See it in action below:


One change to note - with Page Preview enabled, when you add a new widget to a template, the "Enable widget on Save" toggle will be set to TRUE (where it used to be disabled). 

This is because the whole template is in draft mode until you choose to publish it, so having the new widget enabled as soon as you add it saves you a step!

Additional Information


Page Preview

Minimum Version Requirements




Self Configurable


Business Function


BPD Only?




Ballpark Hours From CV (if opting for CV to complete self config component)


Ballpark Hours From CV (in addition to any self config required)


Third Party Costs


CMS Category