By default, products with condition codes D, I, Y, N and T are deemed 'invalid' products. Products assigned these condition codes are integrated to the web, but are flagged as invalid and are therefore not displayed.

It is possible to specify a custom set of condition codes for invalid products, rather than using the default.

Step-by-step guide

To Specify Invalid Condition Codes: 

  1. Open the Integrator client.
  2. Click the 'Settings' icon.
  3. Click the 'Advanced' tab.
  4. Update the values in the field 'Invalid Condition Codes' (located under 'Other Settings').
  5. Click 'Apply' to save changes.
  6. Click 'OK' to close the Settings window.


Updating the Integrator settings with custom Invalid Condition Codes will override the default list; not append it. Therefore, you will need to add codes D, I, Y, N and T to your list if you wish for the default codes to be included with the newly specified condition codes. 


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