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MultiExcerptNameFeature Title


Static Content Search


MultiExcerptNameFeature Overview

We have widened our search functionality to not only search for products, but also static content, such as articles, videos, or images.

Your customers can search for a specific product as well as additional content, such as marketing material, assembly videos, or feature articles on product care. A search for “delivery” may return results related to lead times or cost. A customer could search for firmware files to upgrade the smart device they purchased from you.

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How does it work?


Configure Product Search to include static (content) page results.

In its traditional use, the Search tool ('Product Search Widget') on your site (usually located in the Themes Layout template) enables website visitors to look for products. They type in keywords, usually product names or codes, and the search results lists products you sell based on those keywords. Content (web) pages that contain those keywords are not automatically indexed by the system and so, are not included in the results. (Example 1.)

It is now increasingly popular for visitors to a selling site to use the Search facility to find static content such as product guides, how-to articles or info about firmware upgrades for the device they purchased. You can configure the search tool to include content pages in search results.


 Configure the search tool to include results from content pages such as articles and blogs.  

MultiExcerptNameFeature Overview

Widen Product Search results to include relevant content pages, e.g., articles and blogs. 


On this page:

Table of Contents

Choose to include such content if you wish, or even add another Search facility just for finding such pages. (Example 2.)    

Example 1. Product Search suggestions - results with products only

Search without content pagesImage Added

Search Results with no Content page search

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Example 2. Product Search suggestions with products AND content pages

Product Search with contentImage Added

Search Results with Content Page search

Search Results pageImage Added

How does Include Content Search work?

By default, content pages are not included in Product Search. When the search facility is set to include such pages, the search engine will index those that are publicly accessible so they can be findable.

Step-by-step guide

Follow these steps to configure


'Include Content Search' for your site





Turn on Content Search

  1. To turn on the Content Search


  1. feature, navigate to Settings → Feature Management → Content

  2. In the list of features, toggle on Content Search and click Configure.

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  1. Image Added

  2. In the 'Content Search Settings' window, toggle on Enable Content Search Feature.

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  1. Image Added

  2. In Page Content Reindex Task Start Date, set the schedule to a few minutes in the future


5.       Select Advanced Settings from the CMS side-menu.
6.       Select Lucene Search Settings.


  1. .

  2. The Page Content Reindex Task Period in Minutes sets the amount of time before the system will reindex content pages after the date/time entered in Step 4. Accept the default or enter an alternative.

  3. Click Save and Exit to save and close the window.

2. Configure Indexing Settings

Content pages on your site need to be analysed and added to the search engine's database of web pages included in searches. The system takes advantage of Lucene's indexing and searching features to maximise its search capabilities.  

  1. In CMS, navigate to Advanced Settings → Lucene Search Settings.

  2. Select the Index Settings tab.


  1. To enable indexing, tick the Enabled checkbox.

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  1. Tick Perform Partial Word Searches


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10.      Click Update to save your settings.
11.      Click the Indexing tab.
12.      Click the "Reindex Page Content" button to initiate an index of the content on all pages.
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13.      The progress bar will display the progression of the reindexing.
14.      Once complete, the Reindex process displays the time taken to index your site's pages.
Now, we need to reconfigure the existing Product Search widget to search for content other than products.
15.      Go to Content → Page & Templates → Theme Layout.
16.      Click the Theme Layout option.


  1. (recommended). If this is enabled, as the user types in the search box, products linked to a partial (unfinished) word will be displayed. Leave this box unticked if you want the search to find the exact whole word entered.  (Note - partial word search is not yet enabled for content pages.)  

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  2. To save the settings, click Update.

  3. Click the Indexing tab.

  4. To reindex content pages, click the Reindex Page Content button.
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    Every time you add a new content page or update an existing one to your site, the new content will only be searchable after reindexing.

3. Set Product Search widget to include content pages

The Product Search widget, which provides the search facility on your site, needs to be set to include content pages. 

  1. Navigate to Content → Page & Templates → Theme Layout.

  2. Click the Theme Layout option.

  3. Locate the Product Search widget and click Edit. In our example,


  1. this widget is under Zone:HeaderColumn2.


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18.      You should now see a new field Static Content Search. Select Include Static Content Search from the drop-down list. This feature will expand your customers' search capabilities.
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19.      Select Save, and if you have your site set to Page Preview, then Publish the changes.
20.      You can customise the zero results returned message in the Page Content Search Result Template. You can locate that option via Content → Page & Templates → Other Page & Templates.

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21.      Click to Edit the Page Content Search Result.
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  1. Product Search widgetImage Added

  2. In the Product Search window, locate Static Content Search and select 'Include Static Content Search'. (Note - if you are creating a search for content pages only, then select 'Static Content Search Only'.)

    Product Search boxImage Added

  3. In Use Suggestions?, decide whether the search box will display 'Suggestions', (i) or (ii).  (For more on 'Use Suggestions, refer to Product Search widget help.)

     (i) Toggle OFF: no content page suggestions will be displayed as the user types in the Search box. After typing in the keyword(s), the user clicks 'Search' or presses 'Enter' to run the search. 
    Image Added 

    (ii) Toggle ON: web page suggestions will be displayed. Decide whether you want to set a maximum number of suggestions to display and go through the steps in either (a) or (b). (Note - if toggled on, both product and content suggestions must have maximum numbers.)

    (a) Set no maximum number of results displayed

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    1. Ensure Limit the Product and Static Content Result Returned? is off.
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    2. Decide whether you want to use a 'Search Suggestions' heading. Scroll down to Show Search Suggestions Heading? and toggle on or off.

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    3. If show heading is on, you can edit the heading text. Click the Titles tab and edit the Search Suggestions Heading Text

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    (b) Limit maximum number of results displayed

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    1. Ensure 'Limit the Product and Static Content Result Returned?' is on.   

    Image Added

    2. In 'Static Content Search Result to Display', enter the maximum number of results to display. 

    If there are more results than the maximum number, the button 'View More Pages' will appear for the user to click to view more results. 

    3. To edit the text in the 'View More Pages' button, click the Buttons tab and edit the content in View More Pages Button Text

    View More Pages buttonImage Added


    Note - Suggestions headings are not used and 'Related Products' and 'Related Pages' default instead.  


  4. When you have finished configuring the widget, click Save and if your site is in Page Preview mode, click Publish to effect the changes on your site.

4. Customise the Page Content Search Result template (optional)

You can edit the message that displays when a search yields no content results.

  1. Navigate to Content → Page & Templates → Other Page & Templates.
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  2. Click Edit for the Page Content Search Result Widget.
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  3. Click the Notification tab and edit the message. 
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  4. Click Save, and if you have your site set to Page Preview, then click Publish


  1.  to effect the changes.
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5. Configure the Product List Title widget

  1. Navigate to Content → Page & Templates → Products → Product List.


  1. The Product List Title widget


  1. should be at the top of the Product List page. Click Edit.


  1. The Static Web Pages Found Message


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  1. displays text relating to search results for content pages. In the default message '{0} web page(s) found with contents related to your search', '{0}' = the number of pages found.
    Change the message to suit the tone of your business if required. 
    Product List Title widgetImage Added

  2. Click Save at the bottom of the page. If


  1. your site is set to 'Page Preview',


  1. click Publish to effect the changes on your site.

6. Turn off 'Direct Product Display'

Product Search can be set so that if the search finds only one product, the system will automatically redirect to its product page. This feature should be turned off for searches that include Content Pages.

To ensure it is off: 

  1. Navigate to SettingsSettings.
  2. Under the 'General' tab, find 'Allow Redirect To ProdView For Single SearchResult' and make sure it is not ticked.
  3. If it is ticked, untick it and click Update.

7. Test the reconfigured search for content

Once Product Search with Content Page results is configured, you can test it to ensure it is as required for your website.

  1. Perform a search to see what results are returned.


  1. What is displayed depends on the configurations entered in the Product List Title widget


  1. .


  1. Product Search with contentImage Added
    If you search returns no results,


  1. the "no results" message from the Product Search widget's notification tab


  1. is displayed.
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  1. If


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30.      We can confirm we have those Articles in our system by navigating in CMS to Content → Articles. Click Edit.
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31.      We can see that we have three articles with our keyword "article" in their heading.
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32.      If we search for a partial word that is not in a title, the system will also return results.

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33.       If you hit return on the Search Suggestions instead of clicking the "n web pages found" message, then the system will return a list of web pages that contain the keyword and a list of products that match it.

            In this example, 1 web page and no products match the keyword. 

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34.      You can click on the web page results to display the static content.

35.      If your keyword matches products and static content, then searching and pressing return will give the following results.

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36.      In our example, we have Product Suggestions turned on in the Product Search widget, so the product search returned product names that are spelled similarly to our keyword.

The static content search facility will allow your customers to search on content other than products. Explore the search results and tinker with the widgets detailed in this knowledge base article until you are confident with the results.

Additional Information


MultiExcerptNameAdditional Info


  1. the keyword entered has product and content results, then pressing 'Enter' will list the web pages and products found. Clicking on the number, '4' in the example, will take you to the list of content pages where you click through to the content page.

    Search Results pageImage Added

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Additional Information

Minimum Version Requirements

MultiExcerptNameMinimum Version Requirements





MultiExcerptNamePre reqs



Self Configurable

MultiExcerptNameSelf Configurable


Business Function

MultiExcerptNameBusiness Function


Site Optimisation

BPD Only?

MultiExcerptNameBPD Only






MultiExcerptNameBallpark Hours From CV (in addition to any self config required)

Contact CV Support


Contact CV Support


MultiExcerptNameCMS Category

Advanced Settings Lucene


Third Party Costs

MultiExcerptNameThird Party Costs





Related help

Content by Label
cqllabel in ("




product-search") and type = "page" and space = "KB"
labelsnew ver41400

MultiExcerptNameFeatures List Headers

Macro Instructions for carrying Article Information through to Feature List






Business Function

CMS Category




Feature Description

(Written for our customers and can be pasted into comms sent to them)

Additional info


Self Configurable

Ballpark Hours
From CV

(if opting for CV to complete self config component)

Ballpark Hours
From CV

(in addition to any self config required)

Third Party Costs

Instructions for carrying Excerpts through from this page to the Feature List

Article Page:

Add macro  / Multiexcerpt (or copy and existing excerpt and edit) or (Copy existing page and place content into existing excerpt macros)

On Features List page:

Click in the Cell to be populated  / add macro /  Multiexcerpt Include / Select the Article page and the excerpt (or copy another feature line and edit the 'Article page' source.