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This guide is only for using Tag Manager with the current Analytics version (GA4). For the old version, see: Google Tag Manager & Universal Analytics 

Google Tag Manager lets you manage tags for use with Google Analytics (GA4). In GA4, tags work with the event and item scopes specified in your Analytics account to initiate and collect certain data types. An event measures a distinct user interaction on a website, e.g., loading a page or clicking a product link. An item represents a product or service your site offers for sale. The data can be used in remarketing and reporting user behaviour and site engagement patterns.

GA4 and Tag Manager

Changes in GA4

Some Ecommerce event and scope structures and parameter names have changed for GA4.  


Note that not all events in UA and GA4 are translatable. It is important that you review and understand the differences and incompatibilities.

Learn more: Event Compatibility Reference

Learn more: Google Analytics; Get started with GA4

Everytime a tracked interaction occurs on your site, certain types of data relevant to ecommerce are sent. The current out-of-the-box implementation includes data from these events: 

  • Add_to_cart
  • Remove_from_cart
  • View_item_list
  • Select_item
  • Begin_checkout
  • Purchase (transaction details only)

Analytics Options in CMS

When the version GA4 is enabled in the CMS, GA4 data from these events is automatically sent. You do not have to configure and add further code for it to work.  The 'Remarketing' and 'Enhanced Ecommerce' options do not apply to GA4.  

On this page:

Before You Begin 

1. Google Tag Manager and GA4 accounts

You will need to get your site's Container  ID from Google Tag Manager. Before you start, your Tag Manager and GA4 accounts should be ready. Learn more at Google: Set up GA4; Google Tag Manager with GA4

2. CMS Analytics feature enabled in CMS

If Analytics is not enabled, contact Commerce Vision.

3. Templates/Widgets Setup

To trigger the product click (select_item) event in GA4, check these setups:

  • Product List Grid widget: zoned layouts are enabled for Products and Categories.

    (Pages & Templates → ProductsProduct List Grid widget)

  • Items Recently Viewed widget is added to Home Page
    (Pages & Templates → Home PageI
    tems Recently Viewed widget)

  • CrossSell/Upsell widgets: are added to Product Detail
    (Pages & Templates → Products → Product Detail page → CrossSell/Upsell widget)

  • Campaign Slider: is added to Home Page

    (Pages & Templates → Home PageCampaign Slider widget)

4. Enable Favourites for Prior Purchases:

For each shopper and visitor role you want tracked:

  1. Go to EcommerceUsersRoles.
  2. Select the Role, then click the Functions tab.

  3. Find and tick Enable Customer Favourites.

  4. Click OK

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each required role.

Set CMS Analytics to GA4 

1. Select GA4 version

  1. In the CMS, go to: SettingsSettingsSystemsAnalytics.

  2. With Analytics enabled on your site, click Configure.

  3. In Analytics Feature Settings, toggle ON Enable Analytics.

  4. In Analytics Version, select 'GA4'. TIP - GA4 should be selected if you are implementing Tag Manager for the first time.

  5. In Google Tag Manager ID, enter the GA4 ID. 

  6. When the ID was entered in step 5, three options appear. 

    1. Digital Remarketing -  does not apply to GA4
    2. Enhanced Ecommerce - does not apply to GA4   
    3. Enhanced Rich Snippet - this allows you to add a code snippet that enhances search results visually, e.g., include ratings when a product's page is listed. See: Enhanced Rich Snippets

  7. Click Save.  

Event and Parameter Reference Guide

This section details the data sent for each event.


item exists an array [ ] with a number of parameters. It is included when an event can contain one or more specific products and its details, e..g, events where users view or select specific products.

Item parameters below are included out-of-the-box.




CV Value



product description

Product description. One of item_id or item_name is required.


product code

Product code. One of item_id or item_name is required.


product category

top level/primary category.

You can specify up to 5 categories:

item_category: "Apparel",
: "Adult",
: "Shirts",
: "Crew",
: "Short sleeve


list type

List type of list product was in. See: List Names

*NOTE - Zoned Product Layout must be in use for Ecommerce to work with lists.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.



Product's brand. NOTE - Currently not standard inclusion from CV ecommerce platform. Must be custom added. 


numerical value

position of item presented in list (if applicable)


Monetary nett price of the product, in  the specified currency.

If 'hide pricing' is enabled at Role level, this data is not pushed.


currency of site in 3-letter ISO 4217 format

Multiple currencies per event is not supported. Each item should set the same currency.

For GA4, currency can be set at both item and event levels. When item level currency has been set, any event-level setting is ignored.

Item level structure: event.items.currency

Event level structure: event.currency


item_list_name is a parameter that displays the list type name relevant to an event that involves a product list, e.g., view_item_list, item, select_item etc.

List types included and values sent are listed below.  

List Type Name



Product Detail

Product Details

Product Category

Product List

Search Results

Search Results

Recently Viewed

Items Recently Viewed


Campaign - {0}

Campaign Description is used. (The Campaign Code is not used.)

Alternate products

Cross Sell

Related products


Cart Fast Order Entry

Cart Fast Order

Product Compare

Product Compare

User Favourites

User Favourites

Prior Purchases

Prior Purchases

Cart Lines

Cart Item


The view_item_list event is logged when the user has been presented with a list of items from a certain category or search results, e.g., from a search results, a category list or user's favourites. 

Data sent include items,to specify each product with their details. 

Event Name






list type

For list type names, see: List Names

Ignored if set at the item-level.


items [ ]

An array with each product in the list.

Required: yes

See: items event and variables/values for product data sent.


The select_item event signifies an item was selected from a list, i.e., product was clicked. Data is pushed on any click on a product link, e.g., on a search results page or from the user's favourites list. It includes data from the items array with the clicked product as the only product.  

Event Name






list type

List type product was on when selected. See: List Names

* NOTE - Zoned Product Layout must be in use for Enhanced Ecommerce to work with lists.


Monetary value of product price x quantity

items [array]

selected product details

The items array with the selected product. See: Items object for product data values. 

If multiple products are provided, only the first product will be used. 


NOTE - In GA4, you need only specify begin_checkout. This is effectively equivalent to UA's sending a checkout_progress event with checkout_step set to 1 ('Step 1' of checkout).

Event Name




currency of site in 3-letter ISO 4217 format

Multiple currencies per event is not supported. Each item should set the same currency.

For GA4, currency can be set at both item and event levels. When item level currency has been set, any event-level setting is ignored.


Total cost of products in cart


items [ ]

Array contains each product in the cart.

  • Standard product data (e.g. name, id, category, brand, price) are included for each product. See: items event for product data values. 


The purchase event has two events: transaction (monetary and payment details) +  items (array with the purchased products).  Currently, only transaction details are included.

Event Name








sales order number

generated from your system


total order value


total tax value

will depend on whether inc or exc tax has been set


total shipping value


currency of site in 3-letter ISO 4217 format

For GA4, currency can be set at both item and event levels. When item level currency has been set, any event-level setting is ignored.


The add_to_cart event is triggered every time a user successfully adds items to cart. This is recommended for businesses with online sales. 

These parameters are included.








 monetary value of the event* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a conversion then it's recommended you set value.

* currency is required if you set value.


Currency code of the current event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

If set, item-level currency is ignored. If not set, currency from the first item in items is used.

* If you set value then curr
ency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.


Items [ ]

An array with each product and standard product data (e.g. name, id, category, quantity, brand, price) included. See: items for product data values. 

Product data can also include the item_list_name parameter to provide information on the list type from which the product was added.

*NOTE - Zoned Product Layout must be used in order to collect data from lists. See: List Names


The remove_from_cart event is triggered whenever a product is successfully removed from the shopper's cart.

NOTE - This can be a whole line deletion, or a decrease in quantity. Both actions are sent as 'Remove From Cart' data.








value of order line (product x quantity)


currency code

currency code for the current account


items [ ] 

An array containing each product removed with its details (e.g. name, id, category, quantity, brand, price)  included. See: items event for product data values. 

Enhanced Rich Snippets

You can add rich snippets to include key summary details about a website page when it displays in Google search results. An example might be to show ratings for a product's page on your site.   

Learn more:

Related Resources

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