Is this feature disabled?

This page works with the Product Restriction feature and needs to be switched on for your site by Commerce Vision. 


Use the Product Restriction Enquiry page to find out whether a customer is restricted from purchasing a particular product. Restricted products will not be visible to users on the customer account. This enquiry will find product restrictions added online with Product Restrictions and stock restrictions integrated from the ERP.

On this page:

Use Product Restriction Enquiry

Product Restriction Enquiry appears on the Products & Categories menu when Product Restrictions is enabled.

  1. In the CMS, go to Products & CategoriesProduct Enquiry.

  2. On the Product Restriction Enquiry page, enter: 

    1. Account Code: customer account code

    2. Product Code: product code
    3. Role Name: role (some products may have restrictions set by role)

  3. To run the search, click Enquire.

  4. Check the table below for a guide.

Quick Reference Guide to Product Restrictions Enquiry page


Search Results

Customer Check

Does the customer exist?

Pass. Customer Code exists.

Fail. Customer Code not found.

Role Check

Does the role exist against the customer?

Pass. Role exists.

Fail. Role not found.

Product Check

Does the product exist on your site?

Pass. Product exists.

Fail. Product not found.

Display Status

Is the product available on your website?

Is Valid - Yes. The product is currently displaying on your site. -No. The product is not displaying on your site.

Other details

Condition Code - 

Stock Security

Are there any specific inclusion/exclusion rules controlling product availability for this customer? 


  • Customer Stock Mode:

Inclusion - available

Exclusion - unavailable

Stock Security Cache

Rules affecting product restrictions are cached. Are there any cache entries for this product?

Included is information on when the last cache was refreshed.

Refresh cache at the top of the page to update.

Product Restrictions

Are there any settings that control this customer's access to this product?

Price Limits - are there any price limits at the sytem or role level?

Obselete - can the customer order obselete products at system or customer level?

Order Entry Restrictions - are there any order restrictions at system or role level?

Product Order Restrictions - any restrictions for the product

Warehouse Restrictions - are there any warehouse restrictions on the customer or role? 

Additional Information

Minimum Version Requirements



Self Configurable


Business Function

Products & Categories

BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


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