While the Customer Self Service eCommerce Platform supplies default (ERP) order status descriptions, these can be modified to those preferred or in use by your company.

For example, you may not want a customer to see that their order is on 'Credit Hold'. This can be changed to something more preferable, such as 'Contact Customer Service'.

Step-by-step guide

To customise the Order Status Description:

  1. As Administrator, login to your website and navigate to Settings → Messages.

  2. Scroll to the Order Status Description table and locate the 'Order Status' to be edited.

  3. Select the record by clicking the radio button to the left of the Code.

  4. Click Modify.

  5. The 'Description' and 'Status Tool Tip' fields will become editable. Update text as required. 
    • Description - this is the Order Status Description the customer sees when tracking orders. 
    • Status Tool Tip - this is the corresponding ERP Order Status and code for referencing by site Administrators.

  6. To save the changes, click OK.

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