Allow online users to view the status of their orders as the orders are processed and to view their transactions.

Step-by-step guide

To Enable Transaction Integration for Customers: 

  1. Log in as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Accounts' --> 'Account Selection'.
  3. Search for the required Customer Code.
  4. Select the Customer Code via radio button.
  5. Click 'Mark Active'.
  6. The Account information will be uploaded to the web.

  • You will not want to do this for your Default debtor account.
  • The system takes time to get this information, therefore you don't want to activate all of your Customers in one go.
  • If the Customer has a lot of activity, activating them could take some time. Keep in mind that getting these orders will replace other uploading that occurs on the Integrator.
  • You should really only integrate transaction information if you give customers the ability to view statements or pay accounts online.

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